About 10% of the World’s population (780 million people) suffers from various degrees of Dry Eye Disease (DED). This makes it the most common eye pathology.
i-Onion™ is focused on supporting early diagnosis and prediction of dry eye disease.

Our Added Value
Scientists involved in i-Onion™ development are in the forefront of world´s Dry Eye research.
The team patented an instrument and method to apply a brief pulse of CO2 gas on the corneal surface that activates sensory nerves, evoking maximal reflex secretion of tears by lacrimal glands.
reserve Detection of maximal tear secretion provides new information on the secretory reserve capacity of the lacrimal glands
Development of the scientific grounds of i-Onion™2019PATENTS & REGISTRATIONS
Publication in prestigious scientific journals2020 (Q2)α PROTOTYPE
Creation and onset of testing trials2021 (Q1)COMPANY FOUNDATION
Tearful Inc development & exclusive licensing from UMH/CSIC2021 (Q2)β PROTOTYPE
Redesign and industrialization process & manufacturing of 5 Units2022 (Q1)DEMOSTRATION & INVESTMENTS
β Prototype final testings & company capitalization process 12022-23Sample Device Certification EU & INVESTMENTS
Device self-certification process & company capitalization process 22023Ongoing clinical partnerships
Currently, our collaborators are studying use cases in different patients to obtain relevant clinical data that demonstrate the efficiency and relevance of the i-onion device.